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Let's make welding easier! - Sanqiao LCD welding control system

November 24, 2021

Latest company case about Let's make welding easier! - Sanqiao LCD welding control system

Sanqiao LCD welding control system was developed in 2017, till now, it has been improved many times.

For many years, the potentiometer control panel has been a symbol of professionalism in the welding industrial field, too many knobs and buttons are put on the front panel, it's quite complicated for controlling.

Viewing this situation, Sanqiao Welding developed a whole new LCD control system, to help people to complete welding jobs more efficiently and easily, both for welding beginners and welding experts.


Multillinguel interface

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Quick use mode & Expert mode

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The stylish UI/UX design

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Get in touch with us
Contact Person : Mr. Tim
Tel : +8618923113582
Fax : 86-757-85726671
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